Choosing the right path for higher education can be a daunting task, especially for individuals with professional and familial responsibilities. Sulaiman Olajide, a dedicated family man from Nigeria, shares his journey of pursuing a master’s degree with the Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT).
Sulaiman’s decision to enroll in EIT’s online Master of Engineering (Mechanical) program was fueled by his desire to advance his career without disrupting his family life or career.
The convenience and flexibility offered by EIT’s online distance learning platform proved instrumental in Sulaiman’s educational journey. Furthermore, his experience with EIT’s virtual labs has helped bolster his career.
Read on to discover, through Sulaiman’s words, how EIT’s Master of Engineering program offers academic excellence and equips students with practical skills and global networking opportunities.
What prompted you to select EIT for your Master of Engineering (Mechanical) among numerous engineering schools available?
I have always wanted to pursue a postgraduate qualification in engineering, but I was confronted with the following challenges: being a family man and not wanting to resign from my job to pursue the qualification. Also, it was difficult to find a university offering mechanical engineering online.
As a student from Nigeria, how have you found the convenience and flexibility of online distance learning with EIT?
EIT is relatively affordable compared to other universities and allows flexible payment options. They also use the best technology and learning tools to make online study feel as though it is an on-campus program. With EIT, my geographical location [Nigeria] doesn’t impede my studies. I can attend lectures remotely; all lectures I miss are recorded, and I can quickly catch up by watching the recorded lectures. Additionally, their E-library and remote lab are useful when I need textbooks and academic papers.
Have you had the chance to utilize EIT’s virtual labs during your studies? If so, could you share your experience with them?
I used the remote lab often during the course of my studies; it is unbelievably superb; I can access the school computer to do assessments that require the use of software such as SolidWorks, Ansys, FluidSim, GasTur, UniSim and many more.
What inspired your choice of pursuing a master of engineering in mechanical?
I have always wanted to be a mechanical engineer, but due to the competitive nature of engineering admission in Nigerian universities, I had to settle for a first degree in Geology. As luck would have it, since I completed my first degree, I have worked in a mechanical engineering-related role in the engineering industry. At a point in my career, I needed to complement my industrial experience with a theoretical background and a qualification in mechanical engineering.
Could you highlight some of the latest trends or advancements in mechanical engineering that excite you the most?
Computational fluid dynamics is one field in mechanical engineering that allows engineers to solve fluid problems using numerical analysis. It provides an alternative to expensive and time-consuming experimental methods that can also pose safety and environmental concerns. With computational fluid dynamics, aerodynamic investigations can be conducted more accurately and timely.
For instance, I researched optimizing dimple applications on the surface of an aircraft wing using computational fluid dynamics. I was able to compare numerous variables and come up with results and conclusions within six months. The same project would have cost several millions of dollars, numerous human resources, and several years when conducted using an experimental method.
In what ways do you envision your master’s degree enhancing your career prospects?
My master’s degree has exposed me to different areas of mechanical engineering, including engineering materials, engineering design, professional engineering management, computational fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, industrial gas turbine, industrial hydraulics, and pneumatics, amongst others. This exposure has broadened my scope, improved my understanding of mechanical engineering, and increased the career opportunities available to me.
Do you plan for further academic pursuits or professional development after completing your degree?
I will continue to add value to myself professionally and academically; there is no stopping me. Knowledge is dynamic, and one must continue to learn to keep up with new trends in the industry.
What advice would you offer young engineers aspiring to follow a similar educational and career path in Nigeria or elsewhere in Africa?
Don’t let your job and geographical location hinder your education. EIT offers a flexible, industrial-oriented teaching approach to engineering studies for industrial professionals. I highly recommend EIT to all aspiring engineers.
Looking back at your journey with EIT, what key lessons or experiences do you believe have been most valuable in shaping your career trajectory?
One key lesson I learned while studying with EIT is time management. I have also been exposed to many modern engineering tools that are relevant to my job. EIT has also given me the opportunity to meet many people around the world, some of whom are now best friends. My experience with EIT has also improved my work ethic, technical knowledge, and skills.
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