on November 3rd, 2023

Gift Weston, an EIT graduate hailing from Zimbabwe, serves as a prime example of the advantages and practicality of pursuing a 52888WA Advanced Diploma of Applied Electrical Engineering (Power Industry) online.

His journey highlights the flexibility and benefits that online learning offers, allowing individuals to seamlessly integrate studies into daily life while managing work, family, and other responsibilities.

In this interview, Weston shares his educational journey and sheds light on the broader shift in education towards flexible, accessible, and effective online platforms.

EIT graduate, Gift Weston

What led you to choose EIT for your 52888WA Advanced Diploma of Applied Electrical Engineering (Power Industry)?

EIT is the only institute specializing in applied electrical (Power Industry) worldwide.

When did your passion for engineering ignite, and what inspired you to pursue a career in this field?

I have always loved math and science. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be an electrical engineer. I made the decision because I could make a good living doing it. It has worked out quite well for me.

Tell us about your experience with online learning and how it has been studying with EIT.

My experience with EIT online learning was awesome. I really liked the flexibility it allowed, and that worked well with my busy schedule, and the expectations were clear and upfront. Studying with EIT aligned with my needs, and of utmost importance was the full range of learning modes, experienced instructors, and accreditation.

You traveled all the way from Zimbabwe to attend the graduation ceremony in Perth, Australia, in 2022. What motivated you to journey all that way, even though you could have watched it via live stream?

I decided to travel because this unique opportunity allowed me to connect with the EIT Head Office Team and the entire staff. Moreover, I could engage with fellow international classmates, forging valuable friendships during the event at Optus Stadium in Perth. My motivation is a testament to EIT’s global presence with students worldwide. I thank the EIT Dean of Engineering, Dr. Steve Mackay, and the staff for their warm welcome at the EIT Head Office in Australia.

What was the most rewarding aspect of your time as a student at EIT?

The most rewarding aspect of my time as a student at EIT was feeling I was making a difference in my career development.

Please share your strategies or tips for effectively managing your time and responsibilities while pursuing your engineering degree.

I applied several strategies to manage my time and responsibilities while pursuing my advanced diploma. Firstly, I would prepare for the unexpected by staying ahead of module assignments as much as possible because you never know when work, family, or other obligations will come up.

I would also adopt a schedule and craft a regular, balanced schedule to help me allocate study, family, and rest time while aligning with my work schedule. Lastly, I set attainable goals and remained realistic about what I could accommodate in my schedule. This approach helped me maintain a manageable workload and stay on track with my responsibilities.

EIT graduate, Gift Weston with EIT Dean of Engineering, Dr. Steve Mackay at graduation in Perth, Australia.

Do you have a favorite engineering-related joke or anecdote that you’d like to share with us?

A chemist, a physicist, and a chemical engineer are rafting down a river. They crash the raft onto the bank. They have a supply of canned goods but no opener.

The chemist tries to erode the can. That doesn’t work

The physicist uses his glasses to focus the sunlight to burn a hole in the can. That doesn’t work, either.

The chemical engineer stands up and proclaims: I’ve got it! Assume the can is open!

Can you tell us about a specific project or course at EIT that impacted you and your understanding of electrical engineering?

The group project was both rewarding and challenging. Coordinating a team of individuals from different countries to collaborate on an off-grid renewable energy project required effective communication and careful allocating of roles and responsibilities. Finding a suitable time for everyone to work together was not always easy. However, the experience was highly valuable in terms of the technical concepts we learned and the teamwork and communication skills we developed, which are crucial in electrical power engineering.

What advice would you give aspiring students considering engineering careers who may be interested in enrolling in an EIT program?

For those considering engineering careers, I highly recommend them to enroll in an EIT program, for they will benefit from EIT’s unique personalized synchronous delivery methodology that encourages them to advance their technical and technological knowledge while forming global networks and balancing life and work commitments

Lastly, could you share your long-term career goals and how you plan to apply the knowledge and experience gained at EIT in your professional journey?

I aim to lead a team of highly skilled engineering professionals but realize that to achieve this I need to stay up to date with the latest industry trends and technology – the sky shall be the limit. I plan to enroll in a Bachelor of Science (Electrical Engineering) with EIT. With the knowledge and experience gained at EIT, I can lead my Electrical Team and drive successful electrical projects.

Engineering Institute of Technology