on March 11th, 2024

Spatial computing, a revolutionary technology that seamlessly integrates digital and physical spaces, is set to reshape how engineers conceptualize and execute their projects. From its humble beginnings to its integration into various engineering domains, this new tech gives us a glimpse into the future of engineering.

With Apple’s hotly anticipated Vision Pro headset on store shelves, you’ll probably start to see more people wearing the futuristic goggles that are supposed to usher in the age of spatial computing.

And the technology that seamlessly blends digital information with the physical world is also poised to gain significant traction in engineering circles. Engineers are expected to harness the power of spatial computing to enhance design processes, streamline workflows, and improve project outcomes.

“We can’t wait for people to experience the magic,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said while discussing the Vision Pro with analysts.

This convergence of digital and physical realms allows engineers to visualize and interact with data in real-world contexts, enabling more intuitive decision-making and problem-solving. As a result, spatial computing will become an indispensable tool across diverse engineering disciplines, from civil engineering and architecture to product design and manufacturing.

Spatial Computing: How It Evolved

Its roots trace back to early augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiments. Initially used primarily for gaming and entertainment, these technologies gradually found their way into engineering applications.

Over time, advancements in hardware capabilities, software algorithms, and sensor technologies have propelled the tech to new heights. Moreover, the advent of powerful mobile devices equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors has democratized access to spatial computing.

Breakthroughs in several key areas have marked the evolution of the technology. Early iterations of AR and VR systems were limited by bulky hardware and rudimentary graphics. However, with miniaturization and processing power advancements, modern spatial devices could also offer a seamless blend of digital content with the physical environment.

This evolution has been driven by technological innovation and growing demand from industries seeking to leverage spatial computing for practical applications. As a result, engineers will have access to diverse tools and platforms that enable them to integrate the technology seamlessly into their workflows.

Engineering Applications of Spatial Computing

According to FastCompany, an American business and innovation magazine, design and engineering are particularly ripe to benefit from spatial computing. “Designers and engineers already use advanced 3D modeling programs to conceptualize their products. Now, with spatial computers, those 3D models can move from the flat 2D monitor to the real world around them,” they wrote.

From architectural firms creating interactive building models to automotive engineers simulating vehicle dynamics, spatial computing is expected to offer a versatile toolkit to tackle engineering challenges. It would also enable engineers to conduct virtual walkthroughs of proposed designs, facilitating stakeholder engagement and feedback early in the design process. This collaborative approach will foster innovation and ensure that final products meet the needs and expectations of end-users.

Traditionally, engineers rely on physical prototypes to validate designs, a process that can be time-consuming and costly. However, with the advent of this new tech virtual prototyping emerges as a viable alternative, allowing engineers to test and refine designs in a digital environment.

This shift is expected to not only accelerate the product development cycle but also reduce material waste and environmental impact. Furthermore, it will enable engineers to simulate real-world scenarios with high fidelity, providing valuable insights into product performance and behavior under various conditions.

Future Trends in Spatial Computing for Engineering

Looking ahead, the future of this tech in engineering appears promising. As technology continues to evolve, engineers can expect more sophisticated tools that blur the lines between the virtual and physical realms.

Collaborative platforms will facilitate global teamwork, enabling engineers to collaborate seamlessly across borders. Furthermore, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will enhance the technology’s predictive capabilities, empowering engineers to anticipate and address potential issues before they arise.

With the rapid rise of the Internet of Things and the proliferation of connected devices, this new futuristic tech will play a crucial role in integrating data from diverse sources, enabling engineers to make informed decisions and optimize performance across entire systems.

In a recent interview with Euro.next, Cathy Hackl, a long-time industry consultant who is now running a start-up working on apps for the Vision Pro, said, “This is a pivotal moment.”

“It will enable devices to understand the world in ways they never could. It will change human-to-computer interaction, and eventually every interface – whether a car or a watch – will become spatial computing devices”.

The future of the tech in engineering holds immense potential for collaborative innovation. The possibilities are endless, from cloud-based platforms that enable real-time collaboration to AI-driven design assistants that offer intelligent insights.

What is ‘spatial computing’, and why is Apple pushing the new buzzword?
What is spatial computing? And how will businesses use it?

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