on January 31st, 2023

Methanol is a basic form of alcohol that results from the combination of a methyl group (CH3) and a hydroxy group (OH).

The global demand for methanol is expected to reach 117 Mtons in coming years owing to its mass use in the petrochemical, transportation, and chemical industries.

Methanol is primarily synthesized using non-renewable resources such as natural gas, coal, and cooking. The depleted natural resources are not only insufficient to sustain the ever-growing demand for methanol but also contribute to global warming.

Biomass has the potential to be an alternative renewable source for methanol production. Numerous state-of-the-art studies established cost-effective and efficient processes for converting biomass into methanol.

Commercial adoption of a biomass-to-methanol generation technique hinges on various factors such as the type of feed material, available infrastructure, and operation cost

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