on March 1st, 2022

Simplified guides have a lot of value for students, as they offer information on the fly.

EIT has decades of experience to assist students, and have published an online and in-depth list of abbreviations students will need to know while completing an engineering course. You can access our Acronym Master list here.

The beauty of engineering acronyms is that they are universally understood, and a good way to be in touch with fellow engineers.

As a refresher, here are some common acronyms you’ll see often while completing a course in engineering.


AC – Alternating Current

ACS – Advanced Control System

AIC – Autonomous Intelligent Controller

APC – Advanced Process Control

AS/R – Automated Storage and Retrieval

ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit


BACP – Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol

BAV – Business Analysis and Visualization

BCU – Backup Control Unit

BFW – Boiler Feedwater

BMS – Burner Management System

BOM – Bill of Material


CAA – Clean Air Act

CAM – Computer-Aided Manufacturing

CAN – Controller Area Network

CCA – Common Component Architecture

CEM – Continuous Emission Monitor/s

CIP – Control and Information Protocol/s

Photo by BP Miller on Unsplash


DCD – Data Carrier Detect

DCOM – Distributed Component Object Model

DCS – Digital Control System, Distributed Control System, Document Control System

DDE – Dynamica Data Exchange

DDL – Device Description Language

DPDT – Double Pole Double Throw

DH – Data Highway

DH+ – Data Highway Plus

DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol


EDA – Electronic Design Automation

EDC – Electronic Data Capture

EDFA – Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier

EDS – Engineering Design/s Specification/s

EWBS – Engineering Work Breakdown Structure

EW-CRDS – Evanescent Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy


FBAP – Function Block Application Program

FBD – Functional Block Diagram

FGD – Flue Gas De-Sulfuriser

FIM – Field Interface Module

FMCW – Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave

FMEDA – Failure Modes, Effects, and Diagnostic Analysis


GFC – Gas Filter Correlation

GHG – Greenhouse Gas

GPC – Global Project Controls

GPE – Global Project Engineering

GRP – Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester

GTG – Gas Turbine Generator

GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles


HAP – Hazardous Air Pollutant

HART – Highway Addressable Remote Transducer

HMI – Human Machine Interface

HPI – Hydrocarbon Processing Industry

HTU – Hydrotreater Unit

HWL – Honeywell

HEETP – Height Equivalent to one Effective Theoretical Plate

Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash


IBP – Internet-Based Procurement

ICA – Independent Computing Architecture

ICE – Instrumentation and Control Engineering

ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol

IFC – Integrated Function Controller, Issue for Construction

IIS – Instrument Information System

IPS – Inclined Plate Settler


JEA – Job Execution Authorization

JIT – Just In Time

JSA – Job Safety Analysis


KDD – Knowledge Discovery in Databases

KM – Knowledge Management

KPI – Key Performance Indicator


L2TP – Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol

LAN – Local Area Network

LCA – Life Cycle Assessment


MAP – Media Access Protocol

MCL – Maximum Contaminant Level

MCU – MUX Control Unit

MDI – Multiple Digital Input

MDO – Multiple Digital Output


NCF – Network Configuration File

NEP – Noise Equivalent Power

NIU – Network Interface Unit

NM – Network Management

NPR – Noise Power Ratio


OA – Office Automation

OEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer

OEP – Operator Entry Panel

OSS – Open Source Software

OTSG – Once Through Steam Generator


P&ID – Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

P2P – Path to Profitability

PCIU – Programmable Controller Interface Unit

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash


QA – Quality Assurance

QC – Quality Control

QDW – Quality Data Warehouse

QoS – Quality of Service


RAS – Reliability, Availability and Serviceability

RASI – Responsibility, Authority, Support, Inform

RMON – Remote Monitor

RO – Restriction Orifice, Reverse Osmosis

RTZ – Return To Zero


SAM – Sensor Analytical Manager

SAP – Service Advertising Protocol

SAT – Site Acceptance Test

SCADA – Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SDS – Smart Distributed System SEA – Scalable Ethernet Architecture


TA – Terminal Adapter

TAR – Test and Assessment Report

TFTP – Trivial File Transfer Protocol

THD – Total Harmonic Distortion

TIA – Telephone Industries of America

TIC – Total Installed Cost


UCN – Universal Control Network

UDE – Unified Development Environment

UDP – User Datagram Protocol

UHCI – Universal Host Controller Interface

UML – Universal Modeling Language


VAC – Volts Alternating Current

VAP – Value-Added Process

VAR – Value Added Reseller

VAS – Value Added Service

VB – Visual Basic


WAN – Wide Area Network

WBS – Work Breakdown Structure

WDM – Wavelength Division Multiplexing

WML – Wireless Markup Language

WMS – Warehouse Management System


XML – eXtensible Mark-up Language

XSL – Extensible Style Sheets, eXtensible Stylesheet Language

XSLT – Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations


1oo1 – One out of One

1oo2 – One out of two

2oo3 – Two out of Three

3G – Third Generation

3IM – Third Order Intermodulation Distortion

A simple guide to engineering accords

• EIT have three accords.

• One of the accords which is the Dublin accord only deals with Advanced Diploma courses.

• At the moment EIT has only three courses accredited under the Dublin accord which are the DEE, DIA and the DME courses.

• EIT has applied for the DEP and the DCS courses to be added under the Dublin accord.  

• The second accord which is the Sydney accord, deals with the Bachelor’s programmes.

• The third accord deals with your Masters’s courses or post-graduate which is the Washington Accord.

Country Acronyms

The thrilling part of engineering is that information comes from each nation on the planet, and it’s always worthwhile to know how different countries are abbreviated.

A standard form of country abbreviations is two-letter acronyms and three-letter acronyms.


Afghanistan – AF, AFG

Albania – AL, ALB

Algeria – DZ, DZA

American Samoa – AS, ASM

Andorra – AD, AND

Angola – AO, AGO

Anguilla – AI, AIA

Antarctica – AQ, ATA

Antigua and Barbuda – AG, ATG

Argentina – AR, ARG

Armenia – AM, ARM

Aruba – AW, ABW

Australia – AU, AUS

Austria – AT, AUT

Azerbaijan – AZ, AZE


Bahamas (the) -BS, BHS

Bahrain – BH, BHR

Bangladesh – BD, BGD

Barbados – BB, BRB

Belarus – BY, BLR

Belgium – BE, BEL

Belize – BZ, BLZ

Benin – BJ, BEN

Bermuda – BM, BMU

Bhutan – BT, BTN

Bolivia – BO, BOL

Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba – BQ, BES

Bosnia and Herzegovina – BA, BIH

Botswana – BW, BWA

Bouvet Island – BV, BVT

Brazil – BR, BRA

British Indian Ocean Territory – IO, IOT

Brunei Darussalam – BN, BRN

Bulgaria – BG, BGR

Burkina Faso – BF

Burundi – BI, BDI


Cabo Verde – CV, CPV

Cambodia – KH, KHM

Cameroon – CM, CMR

Canada – CA, CAN

Cayman Islands – KY, CYM

Central African Republic – CF, CAF

Chad – TD, TCD

Chile – CL, CHL

China – CN, CHN

Christmas Island – CX, CXR

Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the) – CC, CCK

Colombia – CO, COL

Comoros (the) – KM, COM

Democratic Republic of the Congo – CD, COD

The Congo – CG, COG

Cook Islands – CK, COK

Costa Rica – CR, CRI

Croatia – HR, HRV

Cuba – CU, CUB

Curaçao – CW, CUW

Cyprus – CY, CYP

Czechia – CZ, CZE

Côte d’Ivoire – CI, CIV


Denmark – DK, DNK

Djibouti – DJ, DJI

Dominica – DM, DMA

Dominican Republic – DO, DOM


Ecuador – EC, ECU

Egypt – EG, EGY

El Salvador – SV, SLV

Equatorial Guinea – GQ, GNQ

Eritrea – ER, ERI

Estonia – EE,EST

Eswatini – SZ, SWZ

Ethiopia – ET, ETH


Falkland Islands – FK, FLK

Faroe Islands (the) – FO, FRO

Fiji – FJ, FJI

Finland – FI, FIN

France – FR, FRA

French Guiana – GF, GUF

French Polynesia – PF, PYF

French Southern Territories (the) – TF, ATF


Gabon – GA, GAB

Gambia (the) – GM, GMB

Georgia – GE, GEO

Germany – DE, DEU

Ghana – GH, GHA

Gibraltar – GI, GIB

Greece – GR, GRC

Greenland – GL, GRL

Grenada – GD, GRD

Guadeloupe – GP, GLP

Guam – GU, GUM

Guatemala – GT, GTM

Guernsey – GG, GGY

Guinea – GN, GIN

Guinea-Bissau – GW, GNB

Guyana – GY, GUY


Haiti – HT, HTI

Heard Island and McDonald Islands – HM, HMD

Holy See (the) – VA, VAT

Honduras – HN, HND

Hong Kong – HK, HKG Hungary – HU, HUN


Iceland – IS, ISL

India – IN, IND

Indonesia – ID, IDN

Iran (Islamic Republic of) – IR, IRN

Iraq – IQ, IRQ

Ireland – IE, IRL

Isle of Man – IM, IMN

Israel – IL, ISR

Italy – IT, ITA


Jamaica – JM, JAM

Japan – JP, JPN

Jersey – JE, JEY

Jordan – JO, JOR


Kazakhstan – KZ, KAZ

Kenya – KE, KEN

Kiribati – KI, KIR

Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of) – KP, PRK

Korea (the Republic of) – KR, KOR

Kuwait – KW, KWT Kyrgyzstan – KG, KGZ


Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the) – LA, LAO

Latvia – LV, LVA

Lebanon – LB, LBN

Lesotho – LS, LSO

Liberia – LR, LBR

Libya – LY, LBY

Liechtenstein – LI, LIE

Lithuania – LT, LTU

Luxembourg – LU, LUX


Macao – MO, MAC

Madagascar – MG, MDG

Malawi – MW, MWI

Malaysia – MY, MYS

Maldives – MV, MDV

Mali – ML, MLI

Malta – MT, MLT

Marshall Islands (the) – MH, MHL

Martinique – MQ, MTQ

Mauritania – MR, MRT

Mauritius – MU, MUS

Mayotte – YT, MYT

Mexico – MX, MEX

Micronesia (Federated States of) – FM, FSM

Moldova (the Republic of) – MD, MDA

Monaco – MC, MCO

Mongolia – MN, MNG

Montenegro – ME, MNE

Montserrat – MS, MSR

Morocco – MA, MAR

Mozambique – MZ, MOZ

Myanmar – MM, MMR


Namibia – NA, NAM

Nauru – NR, NRU

Nepal – NP, NPL

Netherlands (the) – NL, NLD

New Caledonia – NC, NCL

New Zealand – NZ, NZL

Nicaragua – NI, NIC

Niger (the) – NE, NER

Nigeria – NG, NGA

Niue – NU, NIU

Norfolk Island – NF, NFK

Northern Mariana Islands (the) – MP, MNP

Norway – NO, NOR


Oman – OM, OMN


Pakistan – PK, PAK

Palau – PW, PLW

Palestine, State of – PS, PSE

Panama – PA, PAN

Papua New Guinea – PG, PNG

Paraguay – PY, PRY

Peru – PE, PER

Philippines (the) – PH, PHL

Pitcairn – PN, PCN

Poland – PL, POL

Portugal – PT, PRT

Puerto Rico – PR, PRI


Qatar – QA, QAT


Republic of North Macedonia – MK, MKD

Romania – RO, ROU

Russian Federation (the) – RU, RUS

Rwanda – RW, RWA

Réunion – RE, REU


Saint Barthélemy – BL, BLM

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha – SH, SHN

Saint Kitts and Nevis – KN, KNA

Saint Lucia – LC, LCA

Saint Martin (French part) – MF, MAF

Saint Pierre and Miquelon – PM, SPM

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – VC, VCT

Samoa – WS, WSM

San Marino – SM, SMR

Sao Tome and Principe – ST, STP

Saudi Arabia – SA, SAU

Senegal – SN, SEN

Serbia – RS, SRB

Seychelles – SC, SYC

Sierra Leone – SL, SLE

Singapore – SG, SGP

Sint Maarten (Dutch part) – SX, SXM

Slovakia – SK, SVK

Slovenia – SI, SVN

Solomon Islands – SB, SLB

Somalia – SO, SOM

South Africa – ZA, ZAF

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands – GS, SGS

South Sudan – SS, SSD

Spain – ES, ESP

Sri Lanka – LK, LKA

Sudan (the) – SD, SDN

Suriname – SR, SUR

Svalbard and Jan Mayen – SJ, SJM

Sweden – SE, SWE

Switzerland – CH, CHE

Syrian Arab Republic – SY, SYR


Taiwan (Province of China) – TW, TWN

Tajikistan – TJ, TJK

Tanzania, United Republic of – TZ, TZA

Thailand – TH, THA

Timor-Leste – TL, TLS

Togo – TG, TGO

Tokelau – TK, TKL

Tonga – TO, TON

Trinidad and Tobago – TT, TTO

Tunisia – TN, TUN

Turkey – TR, TUR

Turkmenistan – TM, TKM

Turks and Caicos Islands (the) – TC, TCA Tuvalu – TV, TUV


Uganda – UG, UGA

Ukraine – UA, UKR

United Arab Emirates (the) – AE, ARE

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) – GB, GBR

United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) – UM, UMI

United States of America (the) – US, USA

Uruguay – UY, URY

Uzbekistan – UZ, UZB


Vanuatu – VU, VUT

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) – VE, VEN

Viet Nam – VN, VNM

Virgin Islands (British) – VG, VGB

Virgin Islands (U.S.) – VI, VIR


Wallis and Futuna – WF, WLF

Western Sahara – EH, ESH


Yemen – YE, YEM


Zambia – ZM, ZMB

Zimbabwe – ZW, ZWE


Åland Islands – AX, ALA

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