on December 9th, 2020

Dear EIT Community,

Congratulations on completing 2020!

A challenging year as we faced arguably the toughest health crisis of our generation, provoking extra thought into the solutions technical and Engineering fraternities develop and presenting opportunities that require us to rethink and innovate for the future.

To the students and lecturers, thanks for adapting to the “new normal” that saw on-campus students embrace online classes as well. Your perseverance, hard work, and tenacity will surely pay off in making the world a better home for us. It is a true testimony that the world is indeed dynamic and requires us to continuously adjust and adapt.

It has been an immense honor to serve as your student ambassador 2020 and hoist the EIT flag high through the year. Thank you for the opportunity to share my success story with the world and inspire future students about the numerous benefits and limitless possibilities in pursuing an online education with a profound institution like EIT. I believe that with such quality delivery and enabling factors, even when one has a day job, online class shall become the norm for global learning.

I am privileged to be working at two of the oldest Hydro Power Plants in Uganda, spearheading technology upgrades and performance improvement projects on the two plants.  Part of the solutions being implemented has been Contracted to firms all over the world. As such the global pandemic has greatly affected the progress of these projects, right from delayed manufacturing to prohibited international travels for factory testing. As a Project Manager, I have leveraged my experiences from the remote technical interactions delivered by EIT, especially the practical laboratory work to develop ways of carrying out remote Factory Acceptance Tests with Contractors in Austria and South Africa. This enabled the business to advance the project objectives whilst overcoming challenges such as travel restrictions.

As we battle this devasting pandemic, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to those who have lost loved ones, and the very best wishes to those battling to overcome the virus.

Warm wishes for the holiday season, be safe, take care of your loved ones, and don’t stop dreaming, innovating and creating solutions to make the world a better place.  

“Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Mildred Nanono
Student Ambassador 2020

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