Overview: Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) offers the Doctorate Research Scholarship to domestic and international students who have a record of academic excellence and high achievement and who are seeking to commence the On-Campus Doctor of Engineering program at EIT.

Applicant will be expected to take on the Assistantship duties (eg: RPL assessment, grading of Bachelor units, practical lab development, lab demonstration, lecturing etc) on campus for a minimum of 12 hours per week. Applicant will be paid the applicable hourly rate (AUD$32 approximately) for duties performed under the Assistantship.

Value: Tuition fees covered by EIT for each semester*

*Scholarship is only applicable to the term/semester. Applicant will need to re-apply at the end of each term/semester to be considered for the following term/semester and must meet the eligibility criteria and scholarship conditions.

Number Offered: 4 scholarships per semester*

When multiple applications meeting the eligibility criteria are received, the scholarship panel will select 4 recipients based on higher academic grades and professional achievements.

* 2 scholarships available for Perth, WA Campus

* 2 scholarships available for Melbourne, VIC Campus

Applicable to: All future On-Campus Doctor of Engineering students and current On-Campus Doctor of Engineering students.

Applicable Courses: On-Campus Doctor of Engineering

Delivery Locations: On-Campus (Perth, Melbourne)

  • Applicant must meet EIT academic entry requirements.
  • Applicant must meet or exceed the English Language Proficiency Requirement.
  • Applicant must be currently enrolled into EIT’s DEng program as a full-time student or have received and accepted an offer to study the DEng program full-time at EIT.
  • Applicant must have a minimum average score of 75% in their highest completed qualification.
  • Applicant must not hold another current scholarship from EIT, except the Assistantship.
  • Applicant must maintain a minimum ‘Credits’ grade for all units during applicant’s study in the DEng program at EIT for ongoing scholarship eligibility.
  • Applicant must not be involved in any level 2 or higher academic misconduct for ongoing scholarship eligibility.
  • Applicant must not have any outstanding tuition fees owing to EIT.
  • Applicant must achieve satisfactory feedback from their supervisors in their progress report.

  • Please complete and submit the Scholarship Application form along with your course application.
  • If you have already submitted your course application, you can still send in your Scholarship Application to: scholarships@eit.edu.au
  • Cut-off date for scholarship applications is 6 weeks prior to the start date of the course or the next semester.
  • Pay the AUD$100 scholarship application fee.

  • Step 1: Complete the application form.
  • Step 2: Submit your application to scholarships@eit.edu.au. Applications open 6 weeks before the next semester and close 3 weeks before the next semester.

  • Applicant may be invited to appear in EIT promotional marketing events/collateral.
  • Applicant will be expected to take on the Assistantship duties (eg: RPL assessment, grading of Bachelor units, practical lab development, lab demonstration, lecturing etc) on campus for a minimum of 12 hours per week.
  • Applicant will be paid the applicable hourly rate (AUD$32 approximately) for duties performed under the Assistantship. Applicant will not be eligible for the additional 10% fee discount under the Assistantship.
  • Scholarship is only applicable to the term/semester. Applicant will need to re-apply at the end of each term/semester and must meet the eligibility criteria and scholarship conditions.
  • A scholarship application fee of AUD$100 applies.
Engineering Institute of Technology