Meet Dr Kerry Newlin, an enthusiastic lecturer and assessor working with EIT since 2016. Kerry is part of our Advanced Diploma of Biomedical Engineering team and lends her expertise in presenting and assessing the anatomy and physiology module as well co-presenting and assessing the medical informatics and telemedicine module and assistive technology and biomechanics module.

Kerry is a nurse practitioner by background with a Doctor of Science degree in healthcare reform and global medicine.  Her career spans the globe from her native United States to Central America, Africa, Timor Leste and now Australia.  Kerry has spent much of her career instructing and mentoring people in the healthcare profession and considers it a privilege to be able to share her knowledge with students in the field of biomedical engineering.

Kerry is married to Bruce Morrison, a biomedical engineer with 45+ years in the profession and together they work as advisors for NSW Health to procure and commission medical equipment in public hospitals.


Engineering Institute of Technology