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9 August - 9 August, 2024

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9 August 2024 at 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM AWST

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Workshop Overview:

Join EIT and their sister company IDC Technologies for their workshop on Static Electricity in Hazardous Area Workplaces: Ensuring Safety and Compliance.

Due to popular demand, the SEC Managing Director, Cem Novella, will present a workshop on static electricity similar to that provided to the regulators in Victoria and NSW.

This workshop provides a rare opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s leading auditors and the Chair of the Australian Standards Committee EL-025 on conducting a static electricity assessment and what constitutes a static control plan.

When you consider that static electricity is the cause of many Australian workplace injuries, fires and explosions and more recently, 2 fatalities in Victoria, it is quite concerning that most Australian workplaces are unaware of their compliance requirements relating to Australian law and standards specific to static electricity control.

Is your workplace compliant?

Do not miss this workshop opportunity to take an in-depth look with one of Australia’s leading auditors and investigators of static electricity at a typical example of a hazardous area workplace to better understand compliance and non-conformance. Take this valuable knowledge back to your workplace and begin the important task of protecting your site from static electricity in accordance with Australian law and standards.

This workshop is hands-on. You will see examples of non-compliance specific to static electricity in hazardous area workplaces, but more importantly, you will learn how to identify them and apply the appropriate control.

See how a typical audit investigation applies specific tests to determine static electricity compliance. See what test equipment is used by the auditor to determine compliance.

If you are concerned about static electricity at your workplace or are undertaking a project and would like to better understand the hazard that static electricity presents. Don’t miss this workshop opportunity.

For more information about this workshop or to learn more about IDC Technologies Hydrogen Safety & Hazardous Areas Conference in Perth please click here.

Past event

Engineering Institute of Technology